Nov 13, 2017

Staff +

Just the right amount of white

Just the right amount of white

Relax, anxiety, fear, purity, absence, silence, these are only a few of the ways in which colors impact us and our psychological state.

White, synthesis and container of all colors, sometimes provokes conflicting emotions.

White in architecture

In fact, the color white in interior spaces should be applied in just the right amount. Used excessively, white confers absence and emptiness. As with most things, it’s a matter of balance and harmony. It’s important to keep in mind that using white as the main color in an interior space must be gauged considering several design elements: precise attention to detail, its contrast with other colors and its combination with surrounding materials. White is both malleable and versatile for its ability to transform: juxtaposed against wood or fabric in natural fibers, it envelops the space with an unmistakeable elegance, while also acting as a light reflector and conveying a sense of cleanliness and renewal.

Additionally, to achieve slightly warmer tones and soft color variations, simply contaminate white with a drop of color.


A finish of our style

Considering white’s ability to enhance the colors and textures that surround it, Profilitec has created a unique surface finish – Embossed Antique White (A13). The finish is opaque, revealing light vibrations against its textured, tactile surface.


Profilitec’s Embossed Antique White can be perfectly matched with natural stone and the latest styles in ceramic tile.

Roundjolly RJ 100 A13


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