Nov 2, 2017


Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Los Angeles Concert Hall designed by Frank Gehry

Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Los Angeles Concert Hall designed by Frank Gehry

Concerts in the heart of Los Angeles

In 1991, Gehry designed the Walt Disney Concert Hall complex in Los Angeles, which soon became a cultural landmark in the city. The project had been commissioned by Lillian Disney, widow of the famous Walt Disney. Ms Disney was particularly fond of roses, and she personally chose the design because the project reminded her of a rose barely opening its petals. 
The complex was designed by Gehry as a group of concave and convex sails that intersect as if caught in a windstorm. The exterior of the structure is clad in polished stainless steel and Gehry imagined being on the sailboat with the sails catching wind, “it’s wing-on-wing, it’s the two sails, and you're at the helm.”

The structure of the Walt Disney Concert Hall

The entrance steps and the building itself emerge as a plinth and introduce the inhabitant to four entryways that differ in form and function. In the northeast, parking is linked to the main entrance and foyer, while the RedCat contemporary arts center emerges from the opposite end. The Founder’s Room, in the northwest, is characterized by majestic, sparkling plaster walls and ceiling that twist upwards and juxtapose the Blue Ribbon Garden on the other side. The complex also hosts restaurants, practice rooms, all-purpose areas and circulation spaces. 
The main auditorium, entirely in light-colored Douglas fir, houses the stage and balconies, while in the center of the room hails a marvelous pipe organ. The Walt Disney Concert Hall has in time become a symbol of the California city: a place where music, theater and magic fuse into a unique experience.



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Oct 12, 2017

The Louvre in Abu-Dhabi has been inaugurated, a triumph of light and shadow

Staff +

Nov 13, 2017

Just the right amount of white